My first post is dedicated to Arequipa, the city I have visited the most (9 times!). Lovely climate, quiet and nice streets to go for a stroll, delicious food. What else could we ask for? Let me tell you some facts about one of my favorite cities.

It is known as La Ciudad Blanca (The White City) because it is built with white volcanic stone -called sillar-. It is definitely one of the most enchanting cities in the country and it is famous for its architecture.

Arequipa’s Plaza de Armas is a UNESCO World Heritage Site. The Basilica Cathedral of Arequipa, built in 1540, is a masterpiece that still stands in immaculate condition. It is recommendable to visit the Plaza de Armas by day and by night in order to enjoy both sunrise and sunset. It’s really worth it!

Arequipa City

A few blocks away from The Plaza de Armas is the impressive Monastery of Santa Catalina. 20 thousand square meters and four neighborhoods emulate the Arequipa urban distribution of the first years of the Colony. As they say, it’s a town within a town.

Yanahuara’s main plaza offers a panoramic and privileged view of Arequipa from its arches. You can take photos with the background of Misti, Pichu Pichu and Chachani, the emblematic volcanoes of the city. What a view!

Regarding gastronomy, visiting a Picantería is a must. Picanterias are traditional restaurants that serve hearty and mouth watering regional dishes like Cuy chactado (Fried guinea pig), rocoto relleno (stuffed peppers) and chupe de camarón (shrimp chowder). And if you like desserts, you can not leave the city without trying “Queso helado”!

Finally, four hour’s drive from Arequipa city is the Colca Canyon: the world’s second deepest Canyon (3,270 meters). Breathtaking views of mountains and volcanoes are guaranteed on the route. Also large groups of vicuñas can be seen along the Pampa Cañahuas National Reserve. However, the main attraction is to see the majestic condor in full flight in their natural habitat.

Hot springs, nice and small churches, colorful villages and the natural attributes of the Colca Valley will make you fall in love with this area even more!

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